At NC MEDIA we offer media training for your talent to shine and Nicola's ongoing career in journalism gives her authenticity in running media training courses. Focusing on an individuals needs our approach is to combine training the 'what to do' with coaching the confidence of 'how to do it'.
Our bespoke media training courses prepare you to speak confidently and coherently to a journalist, ensuring you get your key messages across to a wide audience.
Your introduction to the media world will teach you the importance of preparation and practice, how to define key messages and consider challenging questions, and will include filmed role play interviews and constructive feedback.
Each media training is tailored to your needs and can be provided in a variety of ways:
Delivered as group or individual training
In your offices, off-site location or in a TV and Radio station with a camera operator and sound engineer
Delivered Virtually
Nicola and her associates are all journalists with many years of experience in broadcasting, print and online.
Clients include the NHS (National Health Service), Pharmaceutical industries including Astra Zeneca, Novartis, GSK and Roche, Biotech companies, Nestle, Illy Coffee, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, and celebrities including Jerry Hall , Jane Seymour and Stella McCartney.
The best way to ensure your messages are remembered is to weave them into a narrative and tell a story. All journalists know the power of good stories as they appeal to the emotion, and so are retained much longer than a stream of data and facts.
Stories can be used in work and business situations as successfully as they do in journalism. To be effective they need drama, purpose and direction, and to paint pictures with words. We explain the vital elements of storytelling and the techniques to narrate them effectively in every form of communication from presentations to media interviews.
These interactive and entertaining courses work with small and large teams of people. Stories developed can become part of a company's story library.
Our bespoke presentation skills courses show how to be engaging and interesting, to create a memorable narrative, incorporating storytelling techniques, to avoid death by powerpoint, and importantly, to have a purpose.
We have much experience running trainings for the pharmaceutical, biotech and healthcare industries, for charities and societies, and for large and small groups and individuals.
These can be run in your offices or virtually, and can be filmed to show the important non verbal skills needed to be a great presenter.
What Our Clients Say
What is your story? Clarifying the key messages you want to get across in any communication can be difficult, especially if there is a lot of medical and scientific information to study. Which message is the most relevant to each audience? We can help you work though the information to find the story you want to tell to journalists, to stake holders, patients, health care professionals, legal boards, and your colleagues and peers.
If your audience is the media, we can also pressure test your messages to determine if they will appeal to journalists.
Communicating Virtually is different from speaking to someone face to face. If you are interviewing or being interviewed using apps like Teams, Zoom or Skype, there are various techniques and tips that help you make your points and tell your stories more effectively, whether it is a 1:1 conversation or a large virtual meeting.
As TRT World's health editor, Nicola Hill had daily virtual live broadcasts during the Covid 19 lockdown. Using this experience and her television expertise, she has devised a training course that specialises in communicating through the lens.
Businesses spend years and invest millions of pounds building credible and trustworthy reputations to capture market share and ensure long-term growth. However, with just one crisis, all that effort and investment can be undone in seconds. Wherever possible the aim is to prevent an issue from becoming a crisis. To do this it is important to bring in professional communicators who can offer objective advice and help.
Nicola Hill and her associates can advise when to speak, what to say, and when to be silent.